Saturday, June 02, 2007

Tour of the Garden June 2007

And just for Margaret, a photo of my Datura - this has survived the winter with a fleece jacket and straw over the roots. Not much to look at now but this will grow to over 6 foot in one season and the flowers will be nearly a foot each - bright yellow and smells devine in the evening (attracts the moths - which the local bat loves!)
With of course the veggie patch. Quite a small garden compared to some but its ideal for me (although I'm getting to a point of wondering where to put the next plant!!)

Now the view from the back garden.

I thought I would give you a quick tour round the garden- starting with the front garden - Dads's roses and a lovely double red poppy.

Then the view of the whole of the front garden from the path.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

your garden is looking lovely ! careful now and dont get sunburn !!! lol