Saturday, June 16, 2007

Its getting bigger! The brocolli head actually looks like brocolli! (As you can guess first time growing it!!)

and yes (Margaret) the Datura is growing also, up to waist height now.

Not bad considering it was left outside all winter with just a fleece jacket and some straw around it - you can see the old stems have been cut down now - they are hollow inside - great for ladybugs to over winter so I dont cut them down until late May to give them a chance of survival.

The Climbing courgette is coming along great too - was a little doubtful but seems to be growing up the oblisk without too much help and I've got some babies growing!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I haven't stopped today! Cut the grass and done the edges (do you cut the edges first or last - I never am sure just that if you cut the grass first you can see the edges better!) then cut some of the hedges round the garden - they were getting a bit tall.
On Friday I went to a garden show (Stanstead) which was really good - lots of plants to buy!! and a talk with Anne-Marie Powell all about Chelsea which she has presented this year. I also got to ask her about Garden Rivals whether they really do a garden in a day and she said you bet they work from morning till night - 5 days a week so its not just one a week its 5! She said that was 7 years ago now and there is no way she could do that now. Anyway, planted some plants that I brought and then generally tidied up. Hot today 25degrees!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Early mornings!

I was up early this Sunday morning and took my breakfast outside - I think I've forgotten that even on a housing estate it is so peaceful and quiet early on in the day. The birds were doing their dawn chorus and the spiders webs glistening in the sunshine - it was lovely.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Tour of the Garden June 2007

And just for Margaret, a photo of my Datura - this has survived the winter with a fleece jacket and straw over the roots. Not much to look at now but this will grow to over 6 foot in one season and the flowers will be nearly a foot each - bright yellow and smells devine in the evening (attracts the moths - which the local bat loves!)
With of course the veggie patch. Quite a small garden compared to some but its ideal for me (although I'm getting to a point of wondering where to put the next plant!!)

Now the view from the back garden.

I thought I would give you a quick tour round the garden- starting with the front garden - Dads's roses and a lovely double red poppy.

Then the view of the whole of the front garden from the path.