Friday, March 09, 2007

You can see the new grids laid out - it was plastic electrical conduit (what ever that means!) - I drilled holes in either end and then just used wood screws to keep them in place - they will stay there all summer which will make it easier to see where each veggie will go. At the back on the trellis are the mangetout peas which have gone in, and the garlic and shallots are already shooting up (about 2 inches, not bad as they only went in on 17/2/07!). The garlic won't be very big this year as it should have gone in the Autumn as it needs quite a long season, but I am looking forward to it anyway!

I've decided to keep the grass round the beds as the birds are enjoying it - I reseeded it yesterday to give it a boost as we have been walking on it quite a bit and yes the birds must have thought it was their birthday - down came the blackbird and robin straight away!!!
Couldn't resist showing you my "Red riding hood" baby tulips that came out today - they are so pretty and delicate!


RUTH said...

My Red Robins aren't even in bud yet!!! Glad you decided to keep the grass. Hope you have fine weather this weekend and can enjoy the garden.

genuisscuffy said...

Hi thanks, tried to leave a message on your blog but had a bit of difficulty! (Must be me!!) where did you get your alpine strawberry seeds? Been looking everywhere for them. Jo